Creating Choice Controls in an Applet Window using Advanced Java Programming

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These are same as a Simple List Which contains a Series of Choices and one can select an item from that list . But theses Choice Lists provides selection of only one item from a list and to add various optisons we have to use the add Method of Lists like this.

Choice ch=new Choice(); // Create Object of Choice Class
Ch.add("Red");// add : Name of Method to Add Options in List.

The first statement creates an object of the Choice class.

The second and third statement adds two items to the Choice list.

The following example displays a dropdown Choice list in applet ChoiceTest.

The above code will be stored in the file called, which on compilation will crate a class file called ChoiceTest.class. Now compiple this file using below commands in the DOS mode:


"Output of"

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Methods of the Chioce Object:

GetItem(int)Returns the string item at the given position(items inside a choice begins at 0,as in arrays).
GetSelectedIndex()Returns the index position of the item that is selected
GetSelectedItem()Returns the currently selected item as a string
Select(int)Selects the item at the given position.
Select(String)Selects the item with the given string.

AWT Controls

Label Buttons Check Boxes Radio Buttons
Choice Controls TextFields & Password TextAreas Scrolling Lists Scrollbars

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